our partners
The word “grateful” doesn’t adequately describe how joyful and humbled we are at all of the generosity and support we received during our Indiegogo campaign. We want to thank the following individuals for believing in our mission to support survivors of slavery worldwide through the sale of a tote bag, and for donating their time and money. We couldn’t have launched our business without you. Together, by holding on to hope, we can do our part to make an impact and end slavery!
Abigail Noble
Adriana Dermenjian
Allyson Unzicker
Amanda L Maxwell
Amanda Lynn Otto
Amanda R. Beaudoin
Amber Flury
Amber Kish
Amy Deuink
Ana L Garcia
Angela Emrich
Anita B. Burgoyne
Anita K Everly
Ashley Edgar
Ashley O'Brien
Avrielle Jensen
Bailey N Schumm
Brianna Marie Garcia
Caitlyn D Drozda
Carola Camillo
Carolyn Ragno
Chase m Tarca
Christy Neal
Clara Scott
David Schaerdel
Deborah Gable
Della Turner
Diane M Lehmann
Donna Potts
Doris Diann Obrien
Elena Bondar
Eli Cox
Gabrielle M Salib
Hannah Kiener
Heather E Malone
James B Grant
Jennie Moran
Jessica Greenbaum
Jessica Madia
Jessica Murella
Joan B Harper
John D. Trotter
Joshua Williams
Julie M Reed
Karen Kubacki
Kathy J Shane
Kelly Bohart
Kelly J Duffy
Kevin G. Drendel
Keziah Liburd
Laurie Brucker
Lea Taylor
Linda Melody
Lisa M. Rosier
Lynn G Holt
Mackenzie Locey
Maggie Tsang
Mariah Van Kleef
Mark Kracht
Mats WÃ¥llberg
Meghan Carry
Mehgan Griffin
Michael J Glines
Michael R Burrows
Michaelis Ntsangata Moshe
Michelle Baker
Mollie Book
Nancy Genck
Nancy Jean Gyes
Naomi Glenn
Naomi Hyman
Patricia j Sinclair
Paula Dreifuerst
Peter C Tvrznik
Rebecca J Melody
Robert Ferguson
Ronald Fergason
Ryan Brown
S L Erickson
Sandra Castaneda
Sarah Carter
Sarah k Guthrie
Sarah Steiner
Shannon A Brown
Shannon Leasau
Shannon Nelson
Sharon Michie
Stephanie Flora
Stephanie Lauber
Stephanie Ragno
Steven M Baltin
Sue C Thornton
Sue J Nahm
Susan Smith-Beeftink
Susan Urricariet
Thomas Morgan
Timothy J Weber
Vanessa Ayersman
Yolanda Verceles
Special Thanks to:
Beatrice d Elliott
Larry and Anne Grant
Amber Morris
Brice Leroy
Cassandra Barnes
Charmane Fergason
Katherine Barnes
Kathy M Wismer
Lajla Duffy
Michael Caroleo